DM Nuova V2 frame - Looking for decals

  • Cominciano a vedersi in giro le prime bici con il nuovo motore Bosch SX, la drive unit per le ebike leggere del marchio tedesco. Dopo la Canyon Neuron ON Fly è la volta della Mondraker Dune. Andiamo a vedere nel dettaglio le differenze fra il CX full power e l’SX, quanto quest’ultimo sia potente e quale autonomia offre con la sua batteria standard di 420WH.
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Hello guys,
I'm writing in English as I'm German and my Italian is just good enough to order my favourite pasta, sorry.
I bought a 1997 DM Nuova V2 fully frame. Obviously, DM built frames for the Austrian Kästle and their seems to be a connection to Ancillotti. Nowadays, DM still exists as DM Telai, but they are focussed on pocket bikes.
The bike runs nicely with some older and some more modern parts, but I am still looking for fitting decals. DM did not answer and Kästle sent me some stickers which would better fit to a skibox.
So, if anyone of should have an idea where to find decals, please let me know. Thank you in advance and . . .
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