WC Leogang 2010: Minnaar vince nella pioggia


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17 giugno 2010: vedi sotto
18 giugno: arriva la preannunciata pioggia [2 video del giorno di allenamento]
19 giugno: risultati qualifiche DH + video e report finali 4X
20 giugno: risultati DH

Video della finale DH di domenica


Video qualifiche DH di sabato

Stamattina sole che spaccava le pietre ... montaggio gazebo e paddock nel parco gara .... molti già presenti da inizio settimana ... si respira aria tranquilla e serena ... anche troppo tranquilla .. eccetto i kiwi che sono sempre in festa
dopo pranzo aprono la pista per la track walk .... si sale in gondola (8 posti) in brevissimo tempo .. il dislivello non è molto e la pista parte pochi metri fuori dall'arrivo degli impianti per arrivare in "paese" .... il paesaggio è bellissimo ... pascoli verdissimi e macchie di bosco fitto ....
la pista parte subito ripida in un prato vergine .. per poi infilarsi in tratti di terra scavata e con qualche gradino .. ricercato o addirittura artificiale .... nulla di che e nemmeno troppo curata fino al primo bosco dove le radici lasciano poco spazio alla terra (fango a dire il vero) ... con pendenze davvero importanti ... di nuovo fuori dal bosco la situazione è piuttosto noiosa .. lunghi tratti da pedalare ... passaggi artificiosi e poco curati ... secondo molti piloti non a livello di una WC .. e non a livello delle difficoltà tecniche che offrono i tratti nelle macchie di bosco ... dove pendenze e radici fanno davvero impressione ... soprattutto in previsione delle piogge torrenziali dei prossimi giorni
nel tardo pomeriggio sono iniziate le prove libere del 4X ... davvero bello e tosto ... la proline (2 big jumps in uscita da una curva chiusissima) l'ha chiusa BENE praticamente solo Dan Atherton ... tutti gli altri dopo vari tentativi hanno scelto di girare nella linea "basic" ..... a circa metà percorso c'é un ponte di legno per salire sul quale occorre o passare delle woops in salita (sulla sinistra) .. o chiudere un gap step-up decisamente imponente .. e non tutti hanno avuto fortuna ai primi tentativi .... da qui si esce droppando per arrivare a tutta su un triplo che in pochissimi hanno chiuso .... cool !!

fuori dal gazebo CRC .. kovarik faceva numeri da bmx in flat con la M9 ... paura
presente ET vuilloz .. a cui questa pista potrebbe risultare parecchio congeniale ... con il nuovo prototipo lapierre .. insieme a bleky

.... e domani si inizia a dare gaaas !!

Foto del tracciato qui

Replay della gara di DH

Alcune foto di domenica

Gee Atherton:

Greg Minnaar:

Podio maschile:

Rachel Atherton:

Podio femminile:

The pros had only two days of training on Bikepark Leogang’s Speedster track that is 2,600 metres long and features a height difference of 836 meters. Not an easy job for the riders to get used to a track that has not been part of the World Cup circus before. But at least all the 276 pro riders from 31 countries had the same training conditions for the qualification round on Saturday. Samuel Blenkinsop was the fastest one to cross the finish line in the seeding runs. Followed by Greg Minnaar and Aaron Gwin. Rachel Atherton was the fastest girl in front of Emmeline Ragot and Tracy Moseley.

On Sunday midday, the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Leogang downhill finals started with the women: Jonnier set a great a time with 4:52.70 minutes. Moseley started their run quite well, but lost a few seconds in the beginning of the last forest section and ended with 5:02.39 minutes. Ragot lost time already in the first third of the track and seemed to get weaker in the last section, but finished with a gap of 3.54 seconds to Jonnier, which meant second place for her. Then, all eyes were on Rachel Atherton who was the last woman to go, but unfortunately she crashed in the last section and was not able to finish the race.

The final Top 10 results:

1st Sabrina Jonnier (FRA/4:52.70)
2nd Emmeline Ragot (FRA/4:56.24)
3rd Floriane Pugin (FRA/4:58.05)
4th Tracy Moseley (GBR/5:02.39)
5th Myriam Nicole (FRA/5:05.48)
6th Céline Gros (FRA/5:10.91)
7th Claire Buchar (CAN/5:12.72)
8th Manon Carpenter (GBR/5:13.20)
9th Petra Bernhard (AUT/5:13.62)
10th Micayla Gatto (CAN/5:28.69)

After the women, the men’s finals were on and everybody was waiting full of excitement for the world’s fastest riders to come down the mountain. Steve Peat, who had qualified only 34th due to a crash, set the benchmark to beat with 4:11.82 minutes. He was meant to sit in the hot seat for a long time. But it was Cameron Cole from New Zealand to beat Peaty’s time by only 0.05 seconds. A preview for the hot action to be expected in the following runs: Brendan Fairclough rode slightly faster than Peaty and Cole in the third split, but lost time at the very end and finished on third position at this stage. The expectations were high when Gee shot out of the start gate, riding as smooth as it could be. Gee was in the first split already 2.5 seconds faster, then over 5 seconds in the second split, and could keep that gap until the finish line. Matti Lehikoinen couldn’t change anything on the actual ranking, finishing with 4:13.25 minutes. But the Top 3 of the qualifying were still up to come: Aaron Gwin, Greg Minnaar and Samuel Blenkinsop.
Gwin could carry good speed through the whole course hitting the finish line after 4:10.09 minutes, placing directly behind Gee. But Minnaar proved to be an amazing mud rider finishing in 4:05.65 minutes, beating Gee with 0.74 seconds and sitting down on the hot seat. There was only one more competitor to beat his time, the Kiwi Samuel Blenkinsop. But Sam slipped his pedal twice in the middle section and ended up with 4:11.17 minutes on fourth place at the end:

1st Greg Minnaar (RSA/4:05.65)
2nd Gee Atherton (GBR/4:06.39)
3rd Aaron Gwin (USA/4:10.09)
4th Samuel Blenkinsop (NZL/4:11.17)
5th Cameron Cole (NZL/4:11.77)
6th Steve Peat (GBR/4:11.82)
7th Brendan Fairclough (GBR/4:12.61)
8th Justin Leov (NZL/4:12.93)
9th Matti Lehikoinen (FIN/4:13.25)
10th Mathew Simmonds (GBR/4:13.82)

Watch out for the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup in Leogang 2011 from June 10th to 12th. Leogang Saalfelden and the Bikepark Leogang is looking forward to welcome you in the SalzburgerLand.

The official UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Leogang website www.mtb-worldcup.at features all the information related to the event and the side program.


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
18 giugno

Video della giornata di ieri con l'arrivo della pioggia. Volo paura di Matti Lehikonen!


I risultati delle qualifiche del 4X
1- Labounkova (CZE)
2- Molcik (AUT)
3- Beerten (HOL)
4- Curd (GBR)
5- Marth (GER)
6- Griffiths (GBR)
7- Huntington (AUS)
8- Petterson (RSA)

1- Prokop (CZE)
2- Graves (AUS)
3- Graf (SUI)
4- Atherton (GBR)
5- Wichman (HOL)
6- Fischbach (GER)
7- Tatarkovitch (CZE)
8- Slavik (CZE)

Video di ieri di MTB Cut



Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
19 giugno

Video qualifiche DH di sabato

Risultati qualifiche
<a title="View 37039 Rider Result DHI ME on Scribd" href="http://www.scribd.com/doc/33288736/37039-Rider-Result-DHI-ME" style="margin: 12px auto 6px auto; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; display: block; text-decoration: underline;">37039 Rider Result DHI ME</a> <object id="doc_927787218876116" name="doc_927787218876116" height="500" width="100%" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://d1.scribdassets.com/ScribdViewer.swf" style="outline:none;" rel="media:document" resource="http://d1.scribdassets.com/ScribdViewer.swf?document_id=33288736&access_key=key-1p93xhx50nn369za38v2&page=1&viewMode=list" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/searchmonkey/media/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" > <param name="movie" value="http://d1.scribdassets.com/ScribdViewer.swf"> <param name="wmode" value="opaque"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <param name="FlashVars" value="document_id=33288736&access_key=key-1p93xhx50nn369za38v2&page=1&viewMode=list"> <embed id="doc_927787218876116" name="doc_927787218876116" src="http://d1.scribdassets.com/ScribdViewer.swf?document_id=33288736&access_key=key-1p93xhx50nn369za38v2&page=1&viewMode=list" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="500" width="100%" wmode="opaque" bgcolor="#ffffff"></embed> </object>


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi

The pros had only two days of training on Bikepark Leogang’s brand new Fourcross track that was designed and built by Guido Tschugg. Not much time to get used to a challenging track that hasn’t been part of the World Cup circus before. But at least all the 126 pro riders from 19 countries that competed in the Fourcross discipline had the same chances for the seeding runs on Friday: Michal Prokop (CZE) lead the pack with 39.42 seconds, 0.21 seconds faster than 4X World Cup ranking leader Jared Graves.

The Final runs on Saturday featured a lot of exciting battles and many crashes due to the bad weather conditions with a lot of rain that made the track soft and slippery. Big names like Roger Rinderknecht (SUI), Dan Atherton (GBR), checkered shirt and jeans riding Martin Soderstrom (SWE) and Cédric Gracia (FRA) had bad luck in the 16th, eighth- or quarterfinals and didn’t make it into the semi finals. Especially Michal Prokop (CZE) and Johannes Fischbach (GER) had massive crashes: They came too short at the big sets in the middle rhythm section - but both were ok.

The first men semi final consisted of Filip Polc (SVK/4th), Romain Saladini (FRA/3rd), Tomas Slavik (CZE/2nd) and Joost Wichman (NED/1st) that fought hard for their chance to hit the podium. In the end, Wichman and Slavic made it to the finals where they faced Jared Graves (AUS) and Michal Marosi (CZE) who placed first and second in the other semi finals against Jakub Riha (CZE/3rd) and David Graf (SUI/4th). David had bad luck, broke his leg when putting his feet down to the ground in the moment his rear wheel slipped. He was brought directly to hospital by a helicopter. The organizers wish David a speedy recovery in order to see him soon back on the world cup circus.
After this accident, the numerous spectators were cheering even more for their favorite riders in the grand finals: These were decided on the first 30 meters after the starting gate, when Graves shot on first position, followed by Tomas Slavik, Michal Marosi and Joost Wichman. Wichman tried to pass his competitors and move to second position in the first turn, but almost overshot the berm and found himself again back in last position at the end. The ranking stayed the same after the first corner: 1st Graves, 2nd Slavik, 3rd Marosi and 4th Wichman. The small finals were as thrilling as it gets: the positions changed three times during this one run, on the second and third turn, as well as on the step up – step down combination. The result at the end: Jakub Riha (CZE) wins in front of Romain Saladini (FRA) and Filip Polc (SVK).

Classifiche finale 4X


1st Jared Graves (AUS)
2nd Tomas Slavik (CZE)
3rd Michal Marosi (CZE)
4th Joost Wichman (NED)
5th Jakub Riha (CZE)
6th Romain Saladini (FRA)
7th Filip Polc (SVK)
8th David Graf (SUI)


1st Anneke Beerten (NED)
2nd Joanna Petterson (RSA)
3rd Romana Labounkova (CZE)
4th Fionn Griffiths (GBR)
5th Anita Molcik (AUT)
6th Katy Curd (GBR)
7th Sarsha Huntington (AUS)
8th Neza Knez (SLO)

Video di ieri


Biker tremendus
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Canyon spectral 125
Ma cosa succede a Peat? 34mo, se non sbaglio anche a Fort Williams ha finito 32mo...
come mai non sarà in forma lui o la nuova V10? però Minnar mi sembra che si trovi bene con la nuova biga.....


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
Risultati DH uomini

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Risultati DH donne
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